Our Route for the Camino Santiago

We arrived 27th May 2022 in Vigo, Spain and started the walk on the 29th May. We finally departed Santiago, Spain, on the 7th June 2022. Our Route Click on this link to view the Map in detail https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1RhVFUdE3ux9G98s5KnhE7lgk_bKFIAkY&usp=sharing Arr Nights Miles KM Place 27-May 2 0.0 0 Vigo 29-May 1 9.8 15.7 Redondela 30-May 1 12.6 20.2 Pontevedra 31-May 1 7.1 11.3 Combarro 1-Jun 1 10.9 17.5 Barrantes 2-Jun 1 9.8 15.6 Villa Nova Arousa 3-Jun 1 9.9 15.8 Boat to Pontesecures / Walk to Teo 4-Jun 1 9.3 14.8 Santiago de Compostela 5-Jun 1 0.0 0 Santiago de Compostela 6-Jun 1 0.0 0 Santiago de Compostela Total 11 69.3 110.9 Logistics Support Our luggage was transported by Walk the Camino Ltd www.walkthecamino.com who also provided - 10 nights in rooms with en suite facilities - Breakfasts included - One piece of luggage per person transferred along the Camino - Pilgrim Boat Trip - Camino Travel Pack - 24/7 support from our bili...